We provide broad range of environmental research and monitoring works:
Geological investigations
We provide broad spectrum of geological investigations including:
- investigations of geological circumstances at certain territories;
- investigations of mineral prospects;
- assessment of present geological processes;
- geochemical and hydro chemical investigations (soil, ground, ground and surface waters);
- preparation and compilation of geological, hydrogeological and geochemical information for needs of elaboration of territorial planning documentation;
- complex mapping of territories/investigations for needs of territorial planning.
Geotechnical investigations
We provide wide spectrum of geotechnical investigations including:
- initial geotechnical investigations;
- geotechnical investigations for category I, II and III buildings;
- statical and dynamic sounding.
Geo-ecological investigations
We provide broad spectrum of geo-ecological investigations including:
- investigations of quality of surface and underground waters as well as investigations of levels of contamination and pre-remediation investigations;
- elaboration of feasibility studies for remediation projects of contaminated sites;
- preparation of remediation projects;
- preparation of projects for improvement of environmental conditions.
Hydrogeological investigations
We provide wide spectrum of hydrogeological investigations including:
- elaborate passports of groundwater prospects (in accordance with requirements of the regulations of Cabinet of Ministers of 6 September 2011 No 696 “Order of issuance of licences on use of ground depths and permits of use of often appearing mineral resources”);
- designing, installation of monitoring networks for groundwater monitoring, provision of monitoring;
- designing of ground water level lowering systems for construction sites;
- provision of calculations for establishment of protection zones of water extraction wells and well fields;
- assessment of hydrogeological circumstances in mineral deposit quarries and calculations of depression.
Elaboration of environmental policy planning documentation
We provide elaboration of policy planning documentation related to environmental sector (environment, transport, energy sector, waste management, etc.).
Modelling of environmental impact factors
We provide broad range of modelling of environmental impact factors including:
- modelling of impact and dissemination of smells caused by industrial activities;
- modelling of dissemination of air contaminants;
- modelling of spread of contaminants in ground and ground waters.
Environmental monitoring
We provide wide spectrum of environmental monitoring services:
- installation of groundwater monitoring networks;
- qualitative and quantitative monitoring of surface and ground waters;
- monitoring of waste water (including sampling of sludge);
- soil and ground quality monitoring;
- geotechnical monitoring;
- monitoring of sediments and silts of surface water bodies;
- sampling for different environmental monitoring purposes – soil, ground, surface waters, ground waters, waste waters, sewerage sludge, sediments and silts, components of integral monitoring, biochemical sampling, etc.
Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
We provide elaboration of EIA statements in accordance with the legislation in force in Republic of Latvia including:
- preparation and conduction of process of EIA (in accordance with the law “On environmental impact assessment” and regulations of Cabinet of Ministers of 25. January 2011 No 83 “Order of provision of environmental impact assessment of planned activity”);
- provision of strategic environmental impact assessment for purpose of elaboration of policy planning documentation;
- preparation of applications for initial environmental assessment screening;
- organization of public hearings in accordance with the legislative requirements;
- consultations and expert’s services.
Elaboration of A, B, C categories IPPC permit applications
We prepare A, B, C categories IPPC permit applications including:
- category A, B C permit applications (in accordance with the regulation s of Cabin et of Ministers of 30 November 2011 No 1082 ” Order on submission applications for category A, B and C polluting activities and issuance of permits of category A and B polluting activities):
- preparation of applications for start up of polluting activity;
- preparation of applications in case of modification of polluting activity;
- filling out applications in IT system “TULPE” of State Environmental Service;
- we organize public hearings in accordance with the legislative requirements;
- we provide consultations and expert’s services.
Assessment of mineral deposit and groundwater stocks
We provide assessment of mineral deposits and groundwater stocks including:
- investigations and assessment of mineral deposits of category A, N and P;
- approval of mineral deposit stocks;
- preparation of designs for yield of mineral resources.